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August 27, 2013


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Thank you both for this blog. I know we don't know each other, but thats one of the great things about the internet. Being able to read your story and relate to my own crazy journey of infertility enables us to create a sense of community. A community of people feeling the same joys and disappointments, the same highs and lows, unfortunately that the majority of others don't/won't have. My infertility issues are slightly different in that my husband has the HD gene and we cannot reproduce or else our child will have a 50/50 chance of carrying this disease as well, and the only way of truly stopping HD is to not reproduce (or spend a ton of money on IVF and PGD). But what matters most is our will and drive to become parents. I know it will happen, even if my children are not grown in my own belly, (which I want so so badly) we will be mothers and fathers. And as a friend told me last week, "You'll be great parents and your kids will always know that they were wanted and planned and prayed for!"


Thank you to you and Maya for sharing your journey. I can't imagine it to be the slightest bit easy, especially knowing first hand how much of a rollercoaster the infertility/ART journey can be.

When Maya posted her bfn post, I shared your disappointment and sadness even though I don't know you both personally (though reading the blog, I feel like I do!). I don't know if any of the words I write will make it any better, but I just wanted to say that I am thinking of you both. Maya AND you; because I know from the times me and my husband have suffered loss or just getting a bfn, how reassuring it is to just be there for one another. Even if you both cry and grief together, it makes it that little bit easier to pick up the pieces and get on with life and making a family.

Thank you for being there for your wife.

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