This morning I struggled to get out of bed for my 8am yoga class. Bed just felt soooo good, but Noah insisted with his, "you'll be thankful you did it later" routine, and I hauled my ass up and over to the yoga studio.
Five minutes before class was to start there was no teacher. The handful of us that were there, rubbing sleep from our eyes, looked around concerned. I'm not the only one out there who has a rough time waking up at 7am on a Saturday. When I realized no teacher was coming, I went to the front desk and found my mouth offering to teach the class.
I am a certified yoga instructor, but I've only been teaching to my friends and family in the comfort of my living room. I know how to sequence a class and keep people safe, but I wouldn't dare teach a "real" yoga class at a "real" studio--not because I don't think I could, but because I don't yet have the confidence to lead a group of strangers. Well, the front desk gal texted the manager, and before the clock struck 8 o'clock I had moved my mat to the front of the room and was teaching.
The first ten minutes were a little rough. I had to remind myself I am actually fluent in English and I know how to do a strong flow class, but then it was sink or swim. I had no choice. I committed to something and I needed to be present and calm and confident to see it through. We all made it through a 90 minutes class. People were sweating. One guy even thanked me at the end. And I didn't throw up from nerves, so it was a success.
The ability to think on my feet and respond to whatever the universe may throw my way is something I've been cultivating on IF Island. It's perhaps another unintended consequence. IF Island is full of...surprises. We are often having to readjust our plan, our expectations, our lives. We often have to make a quick decision when we least expect it, and we have to move forward and flow through that decision with as much grace and calm as we can.
I can't say I like the feeling of not knowing what comes next, of expecting one thing and getting a completed different experience. But that's life. That's a curve ball. That's being flexible and accepting what comes at me and doing the best I can with the situation at hand.
I know everyone out there on IF Island is doing just this every day. And I commend each and every one of us for it! Wishing everyone a beautiful Saturday!
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