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February 28, 2014


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Don't Count Your Eggs

Wow Heather. That's commitment! I'm so glad the little jizo resonated with you and that you've found a great way to honor the spirits of your lost babies. You've had so much loss, but also have so much strength. The flowers are a beautiful touch--all the love and support you hopefully have, and the symbol of blossoming new beginnings, Would love to see picts along the way. Thank you so much for sharing and I wish you all the best, always.
Pria--Though I strive for equanimity it's ain't easy! I'm so impressed you have found ways to ride the waves of IF without getting too rocks. It's inspiring! Good luck with this new specialist! Keep us posted!


Maya--instead of searching through past posts to comment on the appropriate one, I wanted to share with you and inspiration you have given me and what I have done with it. Regarding the Mizoku Jizo--since reading your post, I have done extensive studies on it and what it means (having lost 9 pregnancies, I'm sure you can understand how that image/statue/imagery and story has stuck with me. Prior to the IVF rollercoaster, we had made tattoo appointments with one of the best in the country, Dawn Purnell--she has over a year wait list. We visited her in Santa Fe last week and I started my leg piece--centered around the Mizuko Jizo stone statue (the very pic you posted)on the top of my thigh, eventually, it will have the birth flowers of all of my female relatives cascading down my leg in a waterfall stemming from the jizo.....it is just in the outline stage now, but I just wanted to share with you how much the idea resonated with me. I will send you pictures, if you would like, as it's progression furthers.
Thank you so much.......


Dear Maya,
You have to be a 'stithapragnya' which means one who maintains her equanimity at all times. You have to completely accept the process of your actions, whether positive or negative and do your karma with a detached mind. This is what the Bhagavad Gita prescribes. I thought this to be a very robotic attitude, but with time, this tonic's value has seeped into me .Today I met a specialist who was super positive and felt really lucky to have got a doctor who gave positive vibes.
Lots of love,

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