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July 22, 2014


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Heather P

Thank you for writing such and honest and inspiring blog, and creating a forum for other women to share their experiences along with yours. I especially laughed, as did my husband, when I read Noah's post about getting you mango after your embryo transfer. We both could relate. My husband and I just had our donated embryo transplant in Seattle - seems like the same clinic you went to. This Saturday, I find out if I am pregnant or not. It was not an easy journey, but I'm grateful to have this option available. It's very encouraging to see what it's like to get off IF island, and what that journey holds as well.


Sending love from my broken heart to yours. Hopefully yours mends TODAY.


Have been silently following your blog for months....it's helped during those days when I just want to give up. Thanks for giving us all a voice. I haven't shared our story with anyone besides our health care providers and it somehow helps to read about your journey and know that my husband and I aren't alone out here. Please know, no matter what the outcome, you have so many people who have your back...it's lovely (and so very sad at the same time)knowing that this island is full of people, and that we are all hoping for you (and for one another)! Wishing you (and everyone else out there) all the best from Canada!

A Few Good Eggs

Can't stop thinking about you and your second beta results...


I imagine you're getting the information about your second beta back about now and am hoping for the very best and sending you fortitude.


Love your outlook. You will be ok regardless. Sending you much love and prayers.


I don't know what to say Maya. Sending you a song, from a 14 year old I met over this weekend, I think she says it pretty well. http://youtu.be/wafcUkiGicw


I have the following quote framed on my wall: "Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end". Hope that thought gives you even half an ounce of extra strength - sending tonnes of positive vibes X


Someone above described you as a warrior, and that is so true. You are fighting so hard for you and your family. That is what a mother is. I'll be thinking about you today.


Maya, don't worry. You will be okay..

Don't Count Your Eggs

Thank you all for the love. I needed it today. Feeling more open to whatever tomorrow brings. Whatever it is, I'll be ok. At least that's what I've been telling myself ;)


I want to come up with something brilliant to say that will help you to feel better about what you're dealing with, and I thought having had a similar experience would help, but it doesn't so much ~ When we were at this point with the super low Beta, I was certain that it wasn't going to go any further, and was unfortunately correct. But it was the closest I had gotten, which provided some reassurance that my body could in fact, maybe become pregnant...? It was the time after that when it actually worked. You're amazing, and no matter what you'll figure out what to do next...!


Been following for a while, I think you and your family are amazing! Thinking good thoughts for you and keeping you in my thoughts! Fingers crossed!

Throwing off the Bowlines

Best wishes for good news. Hang in there. This is tough stuff.


Wishing you all the luck in the world, and the happiest baby in the world.


Praying so hard for you both... you are so strong and brave. You are on my mind constantly.


Sending you love and good thoughts! So hoping this works for you.


Praying for you - that your numbers rise. I read your morning post and now this afternoon's post and I've been thinking of you on and off all day and each time I do I send a prayer up. Hoping for you.


Your attitude is right on target, Maya. Just breathe and have trust in the knowledge that you WILL be a mother. You might be one right now. And once you and Noah hold that child in your arms you also know that you'd do it all over again to reach the end result. You are a warrior! And you're in my thoughts and prayers now more than ever.


Keep that hope alive! Your baby is coming, I can feel it!!


I have been in your shoes more times than I would have liked and it just sucks but all you can do is just hope for the best and expect the worse. I am sending you good thoughts and prayers that you get good news tomorrow!

Sarah, UK

My god girl I wish with everything I have that this works out or you! Praying for a better post tomorrow x


Thinking and praying for y'all!

Cindy Johnson

Hang in there! I am currently pregnant with twins (after our 10th IUI) and have 2 other kids. All three times I have been pregnant I was absolutely convinced that I wasn't and barely looked at the test. I always felt like my period was about to start. So you just never know....hang in there until you can get more results tomorrow and then take it from there. I am following your story and am very impressed and moved by your honesty about your journey.


sending you a virtual hug. xo

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