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October 29, 2014


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Don't Count Your Eggs

OMG Jess- Strict hospital bed rest for four months? You're my hero. I don't know how you did it. And you're so right about being grateful for every second of it. I feel that too. So in response to a belly shot--what's funny is that Noah and I have documented everything, I mean EVERYTHING of this journey, up until now. I always felt kind of triggered and upset by belly shots, especially when the owner of said belly was super cute. So I feel sensitive about posting a belly shot because I'm sensitive to the fact that others may really not be in the mood for that. But perhaps I can post one on our film website, because I suppose my belly is a legit update of our film. Maybe after the anatomy scan next week. Thanks for being so supportive everyone and for sharing your stories.


Thank you Maya for being a lighthouse in the darkness for so may of us. I'm looking forward to seeing Momo grow in the coming months, you give me hope and peace. Xoxox


I am that twin sis of JoJo who made the ecards! I also read a ton of books, watched HGTV and actually zone out/meditated large portions of the day. I was on strict hospital bed rest for four months! Each day I was told it may be the day to deliver. Being Zen and focusing on good thoughts and strength and health took most of my energy and the days just went by and I got to 36 weeks and two days! I think surviving bed rest is all relative. For us Islanders each day we are actually pregnant has an undercurrent of gratitude even if we are scared/bored/restless/uncomfortable. Going through heartbreaking infertility does not make us immune to normal emotions like boredom and irritation but it sure puts things into perspective. Sounds like you are doing great Maya! How cool that your Dad is an author. I will have to check out his book..


I watched re-runs of The Bachelor and ate Cheetos! Glad you are hanging in there Maya! Momo is nearly half way baked now!! Are you taking bump photos? Xx


Love your books and website suggestions, Maya. And I'm with you totally on not watching Real Housewives..there are better things to do.


Agree with Melanie! My twin sis was on bedrest and she made e-cards for any and every birthday/ holiday etc for a year since you can specify a send out date. Kind of cracked me up but definitely a good use of time.


I think it may ne time for a belly shot ( as in picture of the bump) :)


It's closer to house arrest than bed rest.

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