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March 30, 2015


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Congratulations!!! I was recently introduced to you and your blog and film project. It's amazing and I'm so happy you are making this movie and have your sweet baby in your arms. Had a question about the campaign contributions if you have time to shoot me an email.


That is such a precious picture of you and Momo, Maya. Take very good care of yourself and enjoy each moment of motherhood. Stay blessed.


Oh my gosh Maya, that picture of her on your chest with her mouth open...there is nothing I love more!


I got tears seeing that photo of you holding your amazing baby girl, she is so beautiful!!


Mother & Daughter! What a beautiful pair you make. Consider starting a seperate blog where you just write about motherhood and all your adventures with Momo. You are such a great and funny blogger, that I would love to hear all about your motherhood journey and read all about baby stuff.



I will look forward to Momo Mondays. So happy to be a part of your journey. Remember to take it easy on yourself. It only gets better! I think the joy really hit me when I was able to leave the house for the first time with my miracle baby and a woman in starbucks said 'great job getting out of the house Mom'. Suddenly I felt on the other side. I felt like I was in the club. It made me feel so much joy and so much hope and promise for those in this community still fighting to make it to the other side. That always stays with me everyday. Gives me more capacity for gratitude.


I wanted to add that I truly feel these babies are very special because they are made with the love, self sacrifice, generosity and support of so many. When I look at my daughter, I see myself in her and the love of so many others. She's almost 4 months and I still cry when I look back at our journey and the gratitude I feel!


So interesting that you posted momo's first cells. When I came home from the hospital I dug out my baby's 5 days cell pictures and was in disbelief and shock too. Isn't it amazing??!! You look beautiful and as far as genetics...it ain't no big thing to me either☺️. She is my baby thru and thru! I have so much love and respect for my donor because she gave me a beautiful gift for which there are no words, only tears of happiness and deep appreciation. ❤️

Very scary delivery for you! Traumatizing, even though all ended well. I would imagine that you would still be sorting thru your feelings post partum. Take good care of yourself and sending love to you all.


Sounds wonderful, Maya! Momo is so precious, so I'm really looking forward to Momo Mondays. I have posted a plug for your documentary on the Resolve community site Inspire. Hoping we can get you to your goal. It is so important that this film get made. This blog has been so comforting to me and I'll do whatever I can to help! xoxo

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