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January 01, 2018


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Thanks, this resonated. We got p after IVF in early November, saw the heartbeat, and found out after Thanksgiving that it was a miscarriage, which turned in to a horror show and required a nighttime visit to L&D. We have one embryo left and that is likely the end of the road for us. We went from a very good chance of 2nd baby in November to a coin flip chance that our 2 year old will be our only child. I’m still trying to make sense of that shift. My goal is to live a better life for myself and for my family in 2018, and yes, let go all the labels and categories I stick myself in (cursed being a familiar one.)


I currently have a two year old after two fresh IVF cycles. I did an FET with my only frozen embryo and suffered a miscarriage at the beginning on 2017. We did one final fresh cycle and figured what would be would be...it ended with a BFN. Although I am upset my son will be an only child, I am happy to never walk into the fertility doctors office again, never take another fertility related shot, and never pay another fertility related bill. Looking forward to closure in 2018.

I am freed of being infertile and can now just be. Thank you for this post - this topic resonated with me.

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