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March 09, 2018


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Don't Count Your Eggs

Thanks so much for the love ladies. Tanya-- my heart goes out to you. Wishing you so much luck in April. Good luck Jessica! Thanks for following. Hope the appointment goes well. Jen....I wish I could do the 2ww at your house, it sounds delicious. ;)


Good Luck Maya! I’ve been following your blog and I’ve laughed and cried with you. I relate on too many levels.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the last 9 years. I’ve been pregnant many times and lost the pregnancies. Last year we went with donor eggs and were able to create 5 embryos. Our first transfer was a bust but our second transfer was positive. That positive was miraculous because one embryo turned into two. Sadly, we lost those pregnancies around Thanksgiving Day.

So we are waiting for our next transfer which is scheduled for April 20th, my natal birthday. It will be my 48th birthday, a number I am not thrilled with. I do have to say though, this will be my most treasured gift yet.

I am sending so many happy hopeful thoughts to you. Thank you again for sharing your blog with us. Some days, I have felt so alone and really didn’t think there was another person who could relate to me on IF island. I’m so glad that I am not alone.


Hey Maya! Oh boy over the last 72 I have been obsessed. Mt husband and I have watched OMS and I have followed yours and Noahs story on every social media platform. As it is so similar to mine and my husbands short novel of infetility . I am so eager to hear how this round goes for you two. We start our RE/Fertility specialist appointment Monday, the 19th so I will be closely watching your blog to help pass the time and help get us through. All my love!


Urgh, the two week wait, I remember it well. Whilst in my post-IVF 2WW, I decided that I would buy lots of expensive food from the supermarket and cook the most extravagant evening meals. Scallops, roast duck etc etc. It got me through.

Your fork paragraph is hilarious!

Sending you lots of good luck vibes.

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