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March 11, 2018


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Wishing you the best news today!


Good luck!!


Maya, hoping for all the best today. Sending all my positive vibes your way. xoxo Jess


Good luck!!!!! Will be thinking about you


Good luck today!!!

Pamela O

Send you so, so, so much luck. So much of this insane process just comes down to luck, and it's so hard to accept how little control we truly have. But I'm hopeful for you and your family and really, really hoping for the best.

Our little mystery man (our first, a donor embryo boy -- but really all kids are mysteries) is due in two weeks, and we are so eager to meet him. Like every new child, a stranger who will soon be the most important person in our lives! Trying not to think too much yet about Child Number Two down the road, but I can't help but spin out scenarios already. But some day we can really put all this behind us and just be a "normal family" in whatever shape it takes.

Lotsa love <3

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