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March 12, 2018


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Thanks for sharing great information, its very useful to me thank you.


That first beta is such a mindf*ck no matter what the number. I'm so glad yours was positive and am so hopeful for you. Hopefully, 24 vs 23 is just the beginning of the sibling rivalry... My fingers are crossed.
Thanks so much for documenting all of this. It helps those of us in the same boat not feel so alone!


Yay!!! That's so great. Enjoy being a little bit p... and then a little more, and then a little more, insh'allah!


Maybe eggs just implant late in your body? I’d imagine your chances are much better than someone whose never had a successful pregnancy with a low beta. Best of luck


You and everyone have said it already, 24 is not zero so the odds are stacking up in your favour. Come on little bean! Hurry up Wednesday. X

Don't Count Your Eggs

Thank you all so much for the love and support. I kind of have to laugh...what are the odds of nearly the EXACTLY same craptastic beta? But....23 made gold and that's my mantra until Weds.


This is great news!!! I never did hcp and always had a clear negative initial beta until a very clear positive with two donated embryos, one of which became my son. So I loaded your blog with trepidation I will admit, fearing your result was a negative. Should have hoped for a positive but experience hardens you. So when I saw your title I was so relieved and I personally am as relieved and happy for you as if your beta were a million! Hang in there til Wednesday


Maya! You've got this. Both my betas from the same frozen batch were also around the same number, so like you said, maybe they are just being consistent! But I'm pulling for you and Noah and Momo and that chill, STTN baby of yours!


Yes 24 is not 0 and you guys got this!!! So happy to hear youre a littlw bit pregnant, evem if it is just a little bit Maya!!! Well i will patiently be waiting to see how Wednesday goes.

Pamela O

Wooooohooooooo! I am so happy to hear this. You are still so very much in this. I know the tumultuous uncertainty you are feeling (all too well), but this is so hopeful indeed. Grow, baby, grow!


Both of my miracle pregnancies started with numbers in the 20’s. And a few of my non viable ones started with numbers in the 100s. That number is simply when the little cutie pie attached. Some take longer than others. Some uteruses (I think- super not scientific) let the little embryo grow a bit before it fully attaches. I think that little one is growing beautifully ❤️


Congratulations!!! Great news. Sending love from Brooklyn❤️

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